
Worship with Us!

We meet both in person and via Zoom.

Our in-person meetings for worship are at 10:00 A.M. every Sunday at our Meeting House. Our address is 727 Madison Avenue.  Our phone number is (518) 436-8812.

During the warmer weather, we meet for worship outside in our lovely backyard space.  

The decision as to whether to meet outside or inside will be made on a week by week basis, depending on the weather conditions.

The link to the zoom meeting is provided below. If link does not work, please call 518-436-8812 for assistance.


Join by phone dial:

646 558 8656

Meeting ID: 817 6909 0087

Passcode: 730051


First Day School and child care continue to be provided.


A Reflection

Early Friends used the phrase, “the Lamb’s War,” for their witness in “the world turned upside down” during the English Civil War. They brought their beliefs, the “Lamb’s Weapons”, what we now call the Testimonies, literally to the streets, to challenge the Church of England and the royalty.

Are we today, like early Friends, prepared to actively live by the testimonies? Do we practice “standing in the Power of Spirit” to ground our actions, our work, our daily choices of being present where we live, work, and volunteer?   We ask ourselves again, “What canst thou do?”

Quakers Speak Out

More QuakerSpeak videos are available here: http://quakerspeak.com/

Be patterns, be examples, in all countries, places, islands, nations wherever you come, that your . . . . life may preach among all sorts of people and to them; then you will come to walk cheerfully over the world.     ~ George Fox

War is Not the Answer