Seekers Welcome

Candle with green backgroundMembers and attenders at Albany Friends Meeting reflect a range of religious and spiritual backgrounds and experiences.  Some are former members of other religions or other Christian denominations. Some have had no religious upbringing. Others have previously experienced religious alienation. Consequently we have diversity of religious thinking within our Meeting.


Albany Friends Meeting invites and welcomes all seekers of the Light to participate in the life of our Meeting. We are blessed that Meeting members and attenders come from many religious traditions. We honor both Christian and Universalist Friends. We value both liberal and orthodox religious practitioners. We treasure both reasoned and intuitive religious insight. We respect both intellectual and mystical approaches to truth.

Approved 2/14/93.

*A minute is an officially recorded decision made in the context of a Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business that leads to a Sense of the Meeting, a clarity that a particular decision is indeed spirit-led. 


True godliness doesn’t turn [us] out of the world but enables [us] to live better in it and excites [our] endeavours to mend it.”

William Penn